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Artists seeking opportunities in the Artists Open Houses festivals

Anne Young

Anne Young
Category Mixed media
Listing date September 3, 2024

Contact artist

07757 677583

Artist’s description

I am a maker of small relief collages. I do this using a range of materials and techniques.

My work is abstract and informed by the passage of time.

Pieces are small scale, 20-30cm square and professionally framed under art glass.

Selling price £125-£300


  • Fine art embroidery BA hons, Goldsmiths
  • Drawing MA, Wimbledon

Past exhibitions

  • Miniature Textiles, international touring
  • The Makers Eye, Crafts Council London
  • British + Japanese embroidery, Tokyo + Kyoto

I have lived in Brighton + Hove for the past 20+ years and have now retired after a career teaching art + textiles. I am enjoying being able to concentrate on my own artwork and excited to be showing again.

It would be great to be actively involved in an Open House and I would be very happy for you to get in touch for an initial chat.